Monday, April 11, 2011

Time, Space, and Motion Project

-multiple silhouettes

-silhouettes in my design

-design ideas

-final design

-working at the light tables on a Saturday!

-Final Design

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spatial Puzzles (Equivocal Space) (42)

Equivocal Space
-an ambiguous space in which it is hard to distinguish the foreground from the background
-your perception seems to alternate from one to the other

-the mirror like image makes it hard for the viewer to see what it the background/foreground

-the transparent sails are very confusing! you can't quite tell which boat is in the back or in the front

Amplified Perspective (40)

Amplified Perspective
-a dynamic and dramatic illusionistic effect created when an object is pointed directly at the viewer

Illusion of Space by Linear Perspective (39)

Linear Perspective
-a spatial system used in two-dimensional artworks to create the illusion of space
-it is based on the perception that if parallel lines are extended to the horizon line, they appear to converge and meet at a common point, called the vanishing point

Illusion of Space by Atmospheric Perspective (38)

Aerial/Atmospheric Perspective
-the perception of less distinct contours and value contrasts as forms recede into the background
-colors appear to be washed out in the distance or take on the color of the atmosphere
-"atmospheric perspective can be simply described: as colors go into the distance, two things happen. First, they become cooler (the atmosphere colors them), and they get lighter in value. A dark shadow in the distance is never as dark as the shadow at your feet"